Welcome to ETFication
Money Education that won't cost you money
We aim to educate, inform, and empower you to harness advances in financial instruments and technology, to help you become the best shepherd for your own portfolio - no matter what type of 'investor' you are!
P. Shepherd
Modernizing Portfolio Theory
Technology & financial innovation have increased exponentially over the last generation and can have a meaningful impact in your investing... a brief history...
1990s- Hello to the internet! (Hi Interweb) & ETFs launch (offering index replication and diversification). Personal investors can now harness pillars of ModernPortfolioTheory which has driven Portfolio Management since the 1950s.
2001- WikiPedia & free dissemination of information
2007- iPhone & apps change user consumption patterns
2008- Market Crash / Perceptions of "Investing" & Wall st. rocked / Betterment & Robo industry
2013- Robinhood ushers in 0 fee trading
It's our goal to clearly present the most useful info to help empower you. Let's modernize portfolio theory!
Technological Innovation
Based on YOUR assets and investing preferences,
our Portfolio Shepherd tool will suggest an ETF-based portfolio based on MPT. It'll allow you to easily track multiple sample portfolios & rebalance rules, acting as an 'investing calculator' utilizing the same math as Robo-Advisors.
We Don't Take Your Money
We don't take & manage your money (or any info you don't want to give) - so we don't charge based on how much money you have.
The math our Portfolio Shepherd tool uses is transparent, and based on the same principles of MPT that professionals and Robo-Advisors use. Just FYI, because knowledge is power.
Articles and content on this site are 100% free! There is soo much stuff out there you can crosscheck ours against, it's a commodity. We just think ours is better.
Become a Finance Expert
You don't need an advanced degree, to have taken financial accounting courses, or to have years of experience to invest. Remember:
The most important lessons are the simplest​
You are worse off by the amount of any fees, a little action here can make you tens of thousands richer
- Even experts never finish learning - and none of them can guarantee performance
Have a look around
Thanks for checking out our site, let us know what you found useful (or not-so-much), or would want to see more of / learn about!
The learning paths start at unique areas across a fundamental spectrum, from 'Hard Core' Quant (but delivered in an easy to consume way), to Economics, and Behaviorism, making stops at topics like Asset Classes, Risk, and Portfolio Theory along the way!
The Blogs section is an easy way to search everything. Portfolio Shepherd is the tool we have (learn more about that in the Quant sections of blogs and learning paths).